MYCRC Risk Assessment Tool



1- Age (years) [45-85]

2- Ethnicity

3- Pack Years of Smoking (years) [0-50]

4- Average Number of Alcoholic Drinks (drinks per day) [0-12]

5- Weight (lb) [75-350]

6- Height (inches) [60-80]

7- Years of Education (years) [6-20]

8- Family History of Colon Cancer

9- Regular Use of Multivitamins

10- Ounces of Red Meat Intake per Day (ounces per day) [0-5]

11- History of Diabetes

2-12- How many separate colorectal cancers do you have?

3-12- If one, what was the age at diagnosis?
If two or more, what was the youngest age at diagnosis?
(If unknown, please estimate)

1-13- Has the patient had endometrial (uterine) cancer?

2-13- If so, what was the age at diagnosis? (If unknown, please estimate)
14- Has the patient had any other Lynch syndrome-associated cancer?
Other Lynch syndrome-associated cancers include ovary, stomach, small intestine, urinary tract/bladder/kidney, bile ducts, brain, pancreas, and sebaceous gland skin tumors.

Relatives: First-degree

First-degree relatives include parents, siblings, children, only from affected side of family
1-15- How many first-degree relatives have had colorectal cancer?

2-15- If one, what was the age at diagnosis?
If more than one, what was the youngest age at diagnosis?
(If unknown, please estimate)

1-16- How many first-degree relatives have had endometrial (uterine) cancer?

2-16- If one, what was the age at diagnosis?
If more than one, what was the youngest age at diagnosis?
(If unknown, please estimate)

17- Have any first-degree relatives had other Lynch syndrome-associated cancers?
Other Lynch syndrome-associated cancers include ovary, stomach, small intestine, urinary tract/bladder/kidney, bile ducts, brain, pancreas, and sebaceous gland skin tumors.

Relatives: Second-degree

Second-degree relatives are grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, only from affected side of family
1-18- How many second-degree relatives have had colorectal cancer?

2-18- If one, what was the age at diagnosis?
If more than one, what was the youngest age at diagnosis?
(If unknown, please estimate)

1-19- How many second-degree relatives have had endometrial (uterine) cancer?

2-19- If one, what was the age at diagnosis?
If more than one, what was the youngest age at diagnosis?
(If unknown, please estimate)

20- Have any second-degree relatives had other Lynch syndrome-associated cancers?
Other Lynch syndrome-associated cancers include ovary, stomach, small intestine, urinary tract/bladder/kidney, bile ducts, brain, pancreas, and sebaceous gland skin tumors.

(Just for Men)

21- Regular Use of Aspirin

22- Hours of Moderate Physical Activity per Day (hours per day) [0-4]

(Just for Women)

21- Regular Use of NSAIDs

22- Have you used Estrogen?